maybe: the story behind the lyrics

this song is good-vibes banger. a blue skies, summertime jam.

this song is as deep as it is happy.

i wrote this song to let u know this: i am capable of anything. there are many reasons why i hold such boisterous confidence. first: because i have to. without that tier of confidence, what could even i accomplish. life is too short to doubt yourself. u feel me?

“i got a spiritual feeling that maybe i can be that, and if so i want it bad”

and i have always felt that, if i only get chance at this human existence, then i won’t settle for anything less than everything. i tend to think in analogies, in symbols: life is a bullet. we choose how to shoot. where to aim it. what target to focus on. i am aiming for “the stars”

“one life inside of the chamber, i’m aiming right for the dipper”

but, sometimes, i wish i had 2 bullets. often, it feels like there isn’t enough time to do all that i can. i understand there is a bigger picture in life, but sometimes i feel that i can’t see it clearly enough.

“maybe i got 5 dreams every 4 days, wide screens but no 4k”

sometimes that’s discouraging. sometimes, it makes me feel like i might not be cut out for this.

nevertheless, i choose delusion. i choose to believe that i am capable of all. that i can be the greatest. that i can do so on my terms. that only i can limit me. that’s the energy i infused in this song. that’s the spirit behind these lyrics.

because we truly are capable of anything. not just in a romantic sense, but in real life. that’s the message of this song. and i need y’all to believe that not just about me, but about yourselves. maybe if u did, it would change ur whole life.

maybe it would lead u to happiness. to joy. toward ur inner child.

idk, maybe.

artwork by Saleem mokhiber

artwork by Saleem mokhiber


Brown Kid: The Story Behind The Bars